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Know Your Slots Talks with YouTube Channel Slot Gypsies Travel

Stack of casino players cards
Written by Joshua

The number of invites to have conversations recently has recently been growind, as regular readers of the site may have noticed, and among them I particularly enjoy opportunities to answer questions from those watching the conversation in real time.

That made this recent conversation with LeeAnn and Jackie of Slot Gypsies Travel fun to do, as the bulk of the conversation was taking questions from the audience.

As is normal with the nature of these sorts of conversations, we jumped around topics quite considerably, packing in a lot within an hour-long conversation. We hit upon among other topics:

  • Understanding the difference between Class II and Class III machines, as well as other types of machines out there
  • Talking about slot paybacks on the strip vs. downtown, as well as off strip/locals properties, and where the best bang for the gambling buck can be found
  • Some of the upcoming changes to the newly renamed MGM Rewards program
  • Why are you required to pay state taxes sometimes when you don’t reside in that state?
  • How do things work when you’re a foreigner and get a taxable jackpot in the US, like from Canada and the UK
  • Do you still need to file a jackpot on your taxes if you had taxes taken out upfront?
  • If a slot is using a random number generator, how can anyone truly win?
  • If I haven’t been to Vegas in awhile, why would my offers decrease?
  • With Cosmopolitan in the process of being acquired by MGM Resorts, what should Identity players expect? Tier matching? Offers?

I’ll have some posts featuring some of the questions going up on the site over the next week or so, but keep in mind I always appreciate the questions that come through the various channels, and I encourage you to submit questions via the comments section, my Contact form or through social media if there’s something you want to know!

About the author


My name is Joshua, and I’m a slot enthusiast who works in tech as a marketer by day, and dabbles in casinos periodically during off-times. Know Your Slots will reflect my interests in understanding the various ways you can play slots, travel, casino promotions and how you can get the most out of your casino visits.


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