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More Wynn Slots Changes; Expect to Play or Spend More

Wynn Slots buffet limits per level
Written by Joshua

[UPDATE 2/26/20: Further updates have completely eroded the ability to earn VIP points at any reasonable level without purchase. As such, this article is now out of date. Click here to read about the latest changes.]

The first 90 days since the launch of Wynn’s VIP program have elapsed. Just as we all got used to the way the VIP program worked, along with point earnings, they changed the point earnings model.

Before, you could likely maintain your VIP left if you simply collected coins and played a bit. But with the tweaking of how you earn VIP points, it now requires more play (or spending money, which also earns you VIP points).

As a reminder, you could earn for the following activities:

  • Collecting the gold chest bonus every three hours
  • Collecting the wheel spin every 12 hours
  • Completing a gold scratcher event, of which five occur dail
  • Completing a platinum scratcher event, which occurs once daily

Here’s a chart of what you used to earn:

Gold ChestWheel SpinGold ScratchPlatinum Scratch
VIP 0310620
VIP 1515925
VIP 29301450
VIP 3186028100
VIP 4/53210050180

This has what has replaced it, according to reports on the Wynn Slots Tips and Tricks group on Facebook:

Gold ChestWheel SpinGold ScratchPlatinum Scratch
VIP 01326
VIP 1481020
VIP 28111952
VIP 3132045100
VIP 4/53210050180

Most of the increase came in the middle levels for gold scratcher events; most of the decrease came on the bonus collections. VIP 0 was heavily reduced across the board, likely to get people to spend some modicum of money on the game.

These VIP earnings are important as you have 90 days from the beginning of your clock (which can vary based on when you started playing the game) to earn as many points as you can. When you earn a level, you get to keep it for the remainder of the current 90 day cycle, as well as the following one, just like any other casino program.

However, if you don’t renew your tier, you’ll be downgraded, to whatever tier you were able to achieve. The actual tier point requirements haven’t changed from the last cycle for the VIP tiers:

  • VIP 0: Entry level.
  • VIP 1: 2,500 VIP points.
  • VIP 2: 10,000 VIP points.
  • VIP 3: 20,000 VIP points.
  • VIP 4: 40,000 VIP points.
  • VIP 5: 75,000 VIP points.

As such, most players will need to invest more time playing the game, and/or purchase coins periodically, to maintain or grow their VIP level.

I continue to recommend the Wynn Slots Tips and Tricks group for those who wish to keep up with the evolving rules of the game, as people tend to converse there in real time. It still remains a pretty exceptional value to be able to get rooms for the Wynn; during my most recent Las Vegas trip I stayed free for three nights, and will be doing so again in May.

About the author


My name is Joshua, and I’m a slot enthusiast who works in tech as a marketer by day, and dabbles in casinos periodically during off-times. Know Your Slots will reflect my interests in understanding the various ways you can play slots, travel, casino promotions and how you can get the most out of your casino visits.


    • Hi Jake,

      You are able to have a buffet reservation and a room reservation at the same time. Only one of each type of reservation is allowed at any given time. Room reservations can be up to four nights, and buffet reservations can be for one meal for either one or two people.

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