Casino News Understanding Comps

Quest for Rewards 2022: Extra Tier Credits for Steps Many Gamblers Will Take

Paris Las Vegas Eiffel Tower
Written by Joshua

Once again this year, Caesars has revived its Quest for Rewards promotion. 2022’s version looks similar in many ways to the 2021 edition, but appears to have been expanded a bit.

The details of the promotion are live, and registration, albeit initially delayed, is now available on the Caesars website.

How to Earn Badges

This year, the window remains just two months, from August 1 through September 30, 2022. You earn badges for visiting properties, playing, staying, and spending, as per normal.

Badges reward tier credits and drawing entries for the promotion; the tier credits are bonuses above and beyond what you would already earn under the normal program. The badges break down as follows:

  • 7 badges for ancillary programs, such as having a Caesars card, the mobile app, or linking your rewards account to World Series of Poker or online real money gaming sites. Each badge gives you 50 tier credits and 1 drawing entry.
  • 5 badges for core gaming such as slots, video poker and table games. Each badge gives you 50 tier credits and 1 drawing entry.
  • 12 badges for hospitality spend at approved outlets. These badges take the form of 1, 2 and 3 stars each for food & beverage, hotel, spa and retail and award under the following structure:
    • 1 star badges earn 50 tier credits and 1 drawing entry.
    • 2 star badges earn 75 tier credits and 2 drawing entries.
    • 3 star badges earn 100 tier credits and 3 drawing entries.
  • 9 badges dubbed “empire badges” recognizing activity completed in Las Vegas specifically (including how many properties you visit), Las Vegas Entertainment spend and how many overall Caesars Properties out of 50 you visit. These follow the 1, 2 and 3 star format outlined for hospitality above, but with a different reward structure:
    • 1 star badges earn 100 tier credits and 5 drawing entry.
    • 2 star badges earn 200 tier credits and 10 drawing entries.
    • 3 star badges earn 300 tier credits and 15 drawing entries.
  • 50 badges for visiting and earning 25 tier credits at each of 50 Caesars properties. Each property where you do this earns you 50 tier credits and a drawing entry.

Aside form the core badges, there are also bonuses you can earn for collecting all the badges in a certain category, or visiting enough properties and doing play:

CategoryBonus GoalBonus Tier CreditsBonus Drawing Entries
Caesars Rewards Loyalty BadgesEarn all 7 Badges1007
Gaming BadgesEarn all 5 Badges1005
Hospitality – Food & Beverage BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges1003
Hospitality – Hotel BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges1003
Hospitality – Spa BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges1003
Hospitality – Retail BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges1003
Empire – Epic Las Vegas BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges50020
Empire – Las Vegas Entertainment BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges50020
Empire – Passport to the Empire BadgesEarn all 3 “Star” Badges50020
Property BadgesEarn up to 12 Badges1005
Property BadgesEarn 13 to 26 BadgesAdditional 100Additional 5
Property BadgesEarn 50 BadgesAdditional 100Additional 5

In total, you can earn a maximum of 83 badges, 275 drawing entries and 8,200 tier credits for the core promotion.

What You Can Win

Aside from the tier credits, the drawing will select 60 winners for prizes totaling $60,000 in value:

  • 1 winner – Seven Stars® Tier Status upgrade or 750,000 Reward Credits
  • 10 winners – 250,000 Reward Credits
  • 10 winners – Diamond Tier Status upgrade or 80,000 Reward Credits
  • 39 winners – 50,000 Reward Credits

100 Reward Credits can be redeemed for $1 in value in many cases, so the prizes start at a value of $500.

Does it Really Help?

I sometimes see people grouching about these programs and the prizes. Here’s an example of what you can accomplish. Let’s take the example of a Las Vegas visitor who earns 25 tier credits at all nine properties during the promotion. They make certain to do some slots, video poker, table games play, e-Table Games play and a sports bet to get all of the gaming badges in the process.

In just completing that scenario, which could be done in a day, that would yield:

  • 225 tier credits for doing 25 tier credits at each of the nine Las Vegas properties
  • 450 tier credits for earning all 9 of the Las Vegas property badges
  • 250 tier credits for earning all 5 of the gaming badges
  • 100 tier credits bonus for earning those badges
  • 600 tier credits for earning all three Epic Las Vegas star badges
  • 500 tier credits bonus for earning those badges
  • 100 tier credits for earning the Passport to the Empire 1-star badge
  • 100 tier credits bonus for earning up to 12 property badges

That works out to 2,325 tier credits, and doesn’t factor in any other badges earned from other types of spending or site visits, or perhaps more tier credits for keeping going and earning more tier credits and/or a daily tier credit bonus for play. Platinum is 5,000 tier credits and Diamond 15,000, so that can certainly nibble some of the play needed down in short order.

This isn’t likely going to excite the Seven Stars and heavy gamblers all that much, but for the players who tend to be just below or just above Diamond or Diamond Plus, this can be a helpful little boost for pretty minimal efforts.

About the author


My name is Joshua, and I’m a slot enthusiast who works in tech as a marketer by day, and dabbles in casinos periodically during off-times. Know Your Slots will reflect my interests in understanding the various ways you can play slots, travel, casino promotions and how you can get the most out of your casino visits.


  • Also it looks like all Vegas spending is a sweet spot because of the hospitality bonus and Las Vegas entertainment bonus. It is fairly trivial to spend $500 on food and beverage on a trip, especially if you hit some of the nicer restaurants, which if my math is right is 1,925 tier credits there (the three F&B badges, the bonus for getting all three, the three Las Vegas entertainment badges and the bonus for getting all three).

    • Yeah that’s a good point about the spending too! It certainly helps to know when promotions like this are going on so you can make sure you’re not missing out on the ability to leap ahead a bit on your tier score!

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